When I see the question "Is technology causing me to lose as much as I gain?" it makes me actually really think. When I think about this question I think of how when I use technology what I actually get out of using it, and what it actually doesn’t help m e with. When I think about technology usually a lot of good things come into my head. For example when I think of it I think of internet research, e mailing, getting classes done easier, etc. Technology helps me out in school by being able to get ahold of my teacher in a fast way. I can simply send him or her a quick email. Also for class assignments I could turn them in online or take a test or quiz. A lot of my friends who go to Arizona Western with me agree on all of these choices. But technology can also be harmful, for me especially. I’m the type of person who gets distracted very easy. So being on the computer writing an essay can lead me to do many other options. For example I will start to get distracted and start to watch videos on YouTube, or I will browse Face book and start talking to friends on there. Another thing that can really frustrate me about technology is when I have a very important assignment due and I’m depending on the internet to send it or look up research, and all the sudden my computer or internet stops working. This also has happened to quite a few of my friends here at Arizona Western. Especially the athletes who arrive back to school late and have to do an assignment.

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