For this blog I interviewed another Student athlete. Her name is Robyn and she is a freshman here at Arizona Western College, here on a full ride scholarship for softball. I asked her a couple of questions about technology. I asked her questions about how technology benefits her life, and I also asked her questions about how technology is harmful for her life. I asked her about how technology is a big part of her life and why she thinks it is useful for her daily life. She had some really good responses to my questions. Robyn thinks technology is a big part of her daily life. Technology is an everyday thing for her, and something she uses everyday. She says technology is used in and out throughout her day. She uses technology to go on face book, you tube, instagram, Google, doing homework on black board, emailing, etc. Robyn thinks technology is helpful because it keeps her updated in the daily life. It makes it easier to keep in touch with family and friends back at home, or family and friends that live far away. Also technology makes it easier for her to communicate with her teachers. Instead of her waiting for class about a question she can just email her teacher. Also through blackboard she can take test, quizzes, and do homework assignments just right there on the computer. Even through Robyn says technology is such a good thing, there are some cons about technology too. She finds technology harmful because it can distract her from getting things done. For example, sometimes she will be doing a test or homework assignment that really needs to get done, but she starts browsing the internet and forgetting about the assignment. So she also thinks the internet can be very distracting.

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