College Life!. :)
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
My use of technology
I observed and tried to mark down all of the times I used technology, but come to find out I check my phone even more than I thought! I woke up at 9:10 and first thing I do is check my phone and respond to any messages I have. During the 15 mins I was getting ready I checked my phone 6 times. Even if it was just for the time. Then on the five minute walk to class I was on my phone the whole time just checking instagram or texting. In my hour and ten minute class I checked my phone sixty six times. Whether I received a message or just was bored. My walk to my next class was about three minutes and I checked my phone three times. In another hour and ten minute class I checked my phone 53 times. After that class I went to lunch, and even during lunch with friends we were still on out phones. So there in the caf I checked my phone about thirty times while eating. After lunch I went to the AC lab to get homework done. I was on the computer doing an essay for 3 and ½ hours. During this time I lost count of how much I checked my phone. I was already over 170 times. After the AC lab I went back to my dorm and watch television and stayed on my phone until I went to sleep. So basically I am on my phone most of the day.

The best phone ever!

Monday, December 3, 2012
Students with technology
As I looked around to observe students here at Arizona Western I noticed something that was very common everywhere I looked. All of them were involved in their technology devices! On Monday’s and Wednesday’s I have two classes so I decided to observe both of those classes. My child development class at 9:25 is all girls, not a single guy. So as I observed everyone during lecture time, thirteen out of the fifteen had their phones out on their desk. Even if she wasn’t using it, the cell phone was still sitting right there. About six of the actual fifteen of them would pick it up to text, and the other nine would just do looks at the time. My second class is a mixture of boys and girls, almost the same amount. There were about twenty students in class that day and I saw about twelve using their phones, and three of them that were listening to their I pods the whole class time. Now when I was walking between classes I saw about seven people texting, three people actually talking on their phones, and I saw four different groups of people meeting up talking face to face. I would also see a couple people walking with one other friend talking to each other, but even then they still had their phones out texting. Now when I’m at softball practice, sixteen out of the eighteen girls look straight at their phone right when practice ends. As the girls are taking off their cleats they grab their phone and start reading their messages. Technology has taken over our lives!

Funny conversation phone calls between two different people just walking by.

Faculty member & Technology
For my faculty member I interviewed Leo the volleyball coach and sports psychology. Leo has been here at Arizona Western College for two and a half years. He transferred from University of Las Vegas. He is also a physical trainer for the women’s volleyball team and the women’s softball team. The insight I think he would have to share about technology is what he sees actually going on in the class room he is teaching in. Everyday he has to go up in front of college student which half of them, or even more are addicted to their cell phones. The problem he said he encountered regarding students and technology is that they always tend to be on their phones. He has a absolutely no cell phone policy, but students ignore the rule until they are told something. And even then they still try to just hide it more from him. When I asked him if he thinks technology is causing more harm than good for college students he was more content. He says technology does help to be online and do research, and also it make it easy for students to know any upcoming assignments. Or they can make up a test or quiz online. But he agreed that technology does cause a lot of distraction. While a lecture is being given student wouldn’t be paying attention and they will be on their phones instead. He says technology could go both good and bad, but he has to agree on more of the good side.
Students opinions on texting in class

Technology to me
When I see the question "Is technology causing me to lose as much as I gain?" it makes me actually really think. When I think about this question I think of how when I use technology what I actually get out of using it, and what it actually doesn’t help m e with. When I think about technology usually a lot of good things come into my head. For example when I think of it I think of internet research, e mailing, getting classes done easier, etc. Technology helps me out in school by being able to get ahold of my teacher in a fast way. I can simply send him or her a quick email. Also for class assignments I could turn them in online or take a test or quiz. A lot of my friends who go to Arizona Western with me agree on all of these choices. But technology can also be harmful, for me especially. I’m the type of person who gets distracted very easy. So being on the computer writing an essay can lead me to do many other options. For example I will start to get distracted and start to watch videos on YouTube, or I will browse Face book and start talking to friends on there. Another thing that can really frustrate me about technology is when I have a very important assignment due and I’m depending on the internet to send it or look up research, and all the sudden my computer or internet stops working. This also has happened to quite a few of my friends here at Arizona Western. Especially the athletes who arrive back to school late and have to do an assignment.

Thursday, November 29, 2012
Benifits and harms of technology
For this blog I interviewed another Student athlete. Her name is Robyn and she is a freshman here at Arizona Western College, here on a full ride scholarship for softball. I asked her a couple of questions about technology. I asked her questions about how technology benefits her life, and I also asked her questions about how technology is harmful for her life. I asked her about how technology is a big part of her life and why she thinks it is useful for her daily life. She had some really good responses to my questions. Robyn thinks technology is a big part of her daily life. Technology is an everyday thing for her, and something she uses everyday. She says technology is used in and out throughout her day. She uses technology to go on face book, you tube, instagram, Google, doing homework on black board, emailing, etc. Robyn thinks technology is helpful because it keeps her updated in the daily life. It makes it easier to keep in touch with family and friends back at home, or family and friends that live far away. Also technology makes it easier for her to communicate with her teachers. Instead of her waiting for class about a question she can just email her teacher. Also through blackboard she can take test, quizzes, and do homework assignments just right there on the computer. Even through Robyn says technology is such a good thing, there are some cons about technology too. She finds technology harmful because it can distract her from getting things done. For example, sometimes she will be doing a test or homework assignment that really needs to get done, but she starts browsing the internet and forgetting about the assignment. So she also thinks the internet can be very distracting.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Welcome to my blog!.
Hey everyone my name is Courtnie Ploesch! I am from Blythe California and I am 19 years old. I got brought to Yuma Arizona by receiving a full ride scholarship to play softball. My life as a college student right now is very busy. I am a full time student and a student athlete. This is my second year here at AWC playing softball. Everyday is the same routine for me. I wake up at 5 in the morning for morning workouts, I go eat breakfast, then I attend class, then study hall, I eat lunch, go to practice, eat dinner, do homework, go to study hall, and then finally rest during the night time. My goals here at AWC are to receive my AA and move onto a Division 1 University to play softball. I’m still undecided in my major. I plan to maintain a GPA of a 3.3 or higher. Also I plan to have another good season in softball. I am very plugged into technology! Everyday I use some type of technology. I am mostly on my cell phone going onto social internet cites, checking my email, or talking or texting on the phone with my family and friends that are away from me. I am also always using my computer doing homework, checking blackboard, or sending emails. I don’t think I could last a day without using any technology at all. I would feel left out of the world and what’s going on. Technology plays a big part in my life.



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